Upcoming Events and Study for – March & April 2016

For the months of March and April 2016 you are invited to join the Oklahoma City Theosophical Lodge in reading and discussing “An Introduction to Esoteric Principles: a study course,” by Doss McDavid. If you prefer your own copy one can be purchased online or downloaded free at https://www.theosophical.org/files/resources/selfstudy/EsotericPriniciples.pdf
The meeting runs from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Nancy Blott’s home. If you would like to participate in the Healing Ceremony come at 6:00 p.m. For more information or directions call 405 412-1971.
The Midwest Federation is hosting their annual Springfest April 1-3, 2016 at the Ozark Theosophical Camp and Education Centerhttps://sites.google.com/site/ozarktheosophicalcamp/home
Well known author and researcher on the subject of psychic and spiritual development, Kurt Lenand, will discuss clairvoyance and other areas of spiritual extrasensory investigation. For more information on this event see here: https://www.theosophical.org/files/local_groups/MidWest/2016_Program.pdf
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